A riveting 100-minute documentary directed by Sabina Van Tassel sheds light on the unsolved case of Mary Ellen Johnson-Davis who vanished more than two years ago from the Tulalip Indian reservation. When the investigation of her disappearance stalled, her sisters set out to uncover what happened. Their quest uncovers a harsh reality: indigenous women are murdered at an alarming rate. Most crimes go unsolved and are committed by non-natives in 2020. Her story exposes how hundreds of indigenous women continue to go missing in the USA, perpetuating trans-generational trauma on Indian reservations.
The film exposes the generational trauma and discrimination that Indigenous women continue to face and the sad fact that Indigenous women are murdered at an alarming rate. CASCADIA, in partnership with the Pickford Film Center, is proud to present this important film as its Native American Heritage month selection 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 14.