As the weather turns a little chillier, a shift occurs around Bellingham. While we hearty PNWers don’t let a little blustery weather keep us from enjoying the outdoors, we might spend just a wee bit more time inside. We trade our flip-flops for boots, and our patio bars and beer gardens for cozier accommodations. After all, inside is where the big screens and fireplaces are, right?
As it turns out, I recently discovered we can still enjoy a beverage out-of-doors, while staying cozy. So, if you’re looking for cozy spots to enjoy an after-work (or afternoon) drink, everybody’s covered, whether you prefer to indulge inside or out!
Inside: A Swanky Lounge in Barkley Village
If you’re north of downtown Bellingham, stop in at Scotty Browns in Barkley Village. Scotty Browns is definitely sophisticated, but the feeling here is relaxed. The bar features cushy stools and is surrounded by cozy booths. The decor is all dark red leather, neon, modern lighting, and lots of stone and wood.
We stopped in for a Sunday afternoon happy hour, and it was quiet, but far from empty. Big-screen TVs were strategically placed, with both the MLB playoffs and NFL games going. But unlike a sports bar, at Scotty Browns, the sound is turned off in favor of a Baby Boomer-friendly soundtrack. So you can keep up with the game while having a conversation or just enjoying the song stylings of Whitney Houston and the Young Rascals. I have a feeling the music changes with the time of day and the prevailing crowd.
On to the drinks! My companion decided to try the daily special, a Bloody Caesar, which was $2 off. I was in the mood for wine, so I ordered a nine-ounce pour of Bookwalter Notebook, a red blend of Syrah, Cabernet, Merlot, Cab Franc and Malbec. It was perfect for a fall Sunday afternoon (or any other day, for that matter).
Scotty Browns offers daily drink specials: