Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth presents The Firebird! A long time ago, in a distant land far from here, lived a Tsar named Vyslav. After catching glimpses of a magical creature whose feathers light up the sky, Vyslav sends his three sons on a quest to find this bird, offering half his kingdom as a reward. His youngest son Ivan ventures off alone until he meets Marina, the warrior maiden, and her talking wolf sidekick. Together they face rivers of fire, evil witches and wizards, and epic battle scenes to retrieve The Firebird.
Based on the Russian fairy tale and adapted for the stage by Ian Bivins, this play features BAAY performers ages 9-12. The Firebird performances run January 12-14 at the BAAY Theatre. Tickets and more info at
Location: The BAAY Theatre
1059 N State St. Bellingham, WA 98225
Friday, January 12 at 7:00 PM
Saturday, January 13 at 2:00 & 7:00 PM
Sunday, January 14 at 2:00 PM
Tickets: $12 at the door or in advance at
About BAAY: Founded in 2006, Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth (BAAY) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching children’s lives through the exploration of the arts. We believe that the arts are a basic and essential component of all children’s education. We serve approximately 1400 children ages 5-17 annually in our EduArts and Theatre programs, and provide over $30,000 a year in annual tuition waivers to remove financial barriers to participation. Learn how you can support the sustainability of this work at