Mindport is open for visitors!
We have new hours: Tues-Sat; with one-hour reservation slots between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., for household groups or pods of up to 10 people. Admission is now sliding scale, $0-$10 per person. Check our website www.mindport.org or call 360-647-5624 to schedule your visit.
In the months we were closed, we turned 25, engaged in numerous community projects, modified some classic Mindport exhibits, and added many new ones. With the continued intent to inspire delight and wonder, plenty of marbles and ping pong balls remain with some modifications to comply with health and safety guidelines. Exhibits such as ZOOM, Marble Vortex, and Flash are ready for adventurous folks of all ages.
The Waiting for Ice exhibit, photographs of endangered arctic species, waited for the return of visitors and will continue to be available through August.
Bring your pod and your masks (anyone over 2 is required to mask up while visiting) and come down for your intimate and delightful visit.