Based on the recommendation of the Whatcom County Health Department, the Northwest Washington Fair Board unanimously voted to postpone the 2020 Northwest Washington Fair to August 16-21, 2021.
“The Fair is a chance for our community to come together and celebrate our individual and collective achievements,” said Board President Nate Kleindel. “We are saddened that the current circumstances have left us no alternative.”
There remains hope among fair staff and the Lynden community to provide unique opportunities to make memories this summer.
“We’re still committed to achieving our mission, including agricultural education, competition, and bringing people together,” said Manager Jim Baron. “What that looks like is yet to be determined, but with the Board’s informed vote we are now able to devote staff resources to developing new events and activities to be held at the fairgrounds once it is deemed safe to do so.”
The Fair has previously been cancelled in 1931-33 and again in 1942-45.
MEDIA NOTE: Please direct your questions to Chris Pickering, Assistant Manager, Northwest Washington Fair, (925) 872-4199.