Song for Five Zones is a collaboration between artists Sasha Petrenko, Cynthia Camlin and their students in the Department of Art and Art History at Western Washington University. Song for Five Zones is an outdoor sound installation consisting of a six-channel recording based on five regional habitat zones including alpine/subalpine, forest/meadows, rivers/estuaries, intertidal and marine/kelp forest. It will be available for the public from Saturday, November 20 through Sunday, December 27.
Broadcast through 9 speakers housed in sculptural cases, suspended from the roof of Mindport Exhibits into an alley way, this public sound art installation with be free and open to the public.
This fall at Western 26 students working in teams of 5, conducted research and collected field recordings across an array of landscapes from mountainous to marine, to learn from and describe specific organisms and ecological communities. In the studio, with new audio engineering capabilities, each team produced an original multi-track recording.
The final 5 part “song,” narrated by Sasha Petrenko, will be installed in the alleyway adjacent to Holly Street, between Wild Buffalo and Mindport Exhibits in downtown Bellingham. The public is encouraged to walk down the alley anytime between 4 and 10 p.m. to experience the artwork through the holiday season.
Collaboration is key to any healthy community and we’d like to thank the Downtown Bellingham Partnership and Mindport Exhibits for their constant and encouraging support.