Take caution and check for road closures due to wildfires in the North Cascades.
Hilary Parker | 05/11/2020 | Updated | Family Fun, Insider Blogs, Trivia & Games, Virtually Explore |   

Bellinghamopoly: You Don’t Have To Leave Home To Explore Bellingham

We aren’t out and about enjoying all our city has to offer as we stay home and stay healthy, but there is a solution to your I-miss-Bellingham blues: Bellinghamopoly. This Bellingham-based version of the classic Monopoly game is a fun way to trek through the town from the comfort of your couch.

The Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce partnered with Late for Sky Production Company to create the Bellingham-themed game. The format and rules of the game mirror the classic, yet the details are purely local.

Start by picking your game piece. No boots or thimbles here – choose from a Western Viking helmet, Haggen shopping cart, a bicycle, Woods Coffee mug, a book from Village Books or the Mount Baker Theatre tower.  

Once you roll the dice, where will you land? 

Properties are favorite local hangouts, such as the Pickford Cinema, Aslan Brewing Co., and the Bellingham Farmers Market. Railroads? In Bellinghamopoly, it’s Port of Bellingham properties. 

Community Chest from the original game is replaced by Around Town: Bike over to Elizabeth Park for a Thursday Night Free Concert or Earn a $400 rebate from Cascade Natural Gas. 

Chance has transformed into Community Corner: You’ve earned your Devoted Dreamer and Reader Rewards points from Paper Dreams and Village Books, Collect $50! Or advance to Free Day in the Park (Free Parking) when you adopt a pet from the Whatcom Humane Society.

If you’re lucky, you’ll land yourself a pass to get out of the Care Medical Group clinic free because you won’t go to jail in Bellinghamopoly but you will get stuck in the doctor’s office when you’d rather be training for the Ski to Sea race!

While moving around the board isn’t a true replacement for moving around town, you will get to “visit” many of your favorite places and be reminded of the wealth of arts, culture, and recreation that make our community unique. The game may even remind you of someplace you’ve been meaning to rediscover – from the Whatcom Museum to a WWU Basketball game. 

Before long, you’ll be back to visiting your favorite Bellingham places in person, but in the meantime Bellinghamopoly reminds us of what we love about our BellingHome.

Start by picking your game piece. No boots or thimbles here – choose from a Western Viking helmet, Haggen shopping cart, a bicycle, Woods Coffee mug, a book from Village Books or the Mount Baker Theatre tower.  

Once you roll the dice, where will you land? 

Properties are favorite local hangouts, such as the Pickford Cinema, Aslan Brewing Co., and the Bellingham Farmers Market. Railroads? In Bellingahmopoly, it’s Port of Bellingham properties. 

Community Chest from the original game is replaced by Around Town: Bike over to Elizabeth Park for a Thursday Night Free Concert or Earn a $400 rebate from Cascade Natural Gas. 

Chance has transformed into Community Corner: You’ve earned your Devoted Dreamer and Reader Rewards points from Paper Dreams and Village Books, Collect $50! Or advance to Free Day in the Park (Free Parking) when you adopt a pet from the Whatcom Humane Society.

Get your own copy of Bellighamopoly at the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce website or stop by Village Books.

We aren’t out and about enjoying all our city has to offer as we stay home and stay healthy, but there is a solution to your I-miss-Bellingham blues: Bellinghamopoly. This Bellingham-based version of the classic Monopoly game is a fun way to trek through the town from the comfort of your couch.

The Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce partnered with Late for Sky Production Company to create the Bellingham-themed game. The format and rules of the game mirror the classic, yet the details are purely local.

        We acknowledge that Whatcom County is located on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples. They cared for the lands that included what we’d call the Puget Sound region, Vancouver Island and British Columbia since time immemorial. This gives us the great obligation and opportunity to learn how to care for our surrounding areas and all the natural and human resources we require to live. We express our deepest respect and gratitude for our indigenous neighbors, the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.
Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism
Visitor Center Located at I-5 Exit 253 - Check Hours
904 Potter Street, Bellingham, WA 98229
Phone: 360-671-3990

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